Monday 11 January 2016
London, UK
In today’s #BeautyMonday I will be telling you guys about my all time favourite mascara. I have tried a lot of different brands in the past and until a couple months back, I always had to “make it work” with the products I have bought. My mum always says ‘I eat mascaras’, which is kind of true because I go through one product per month so it is important for me to have a good prodact that actually works. I naturally have long eyelashes, but without mascara they’re not that noticeable, so because of that I like to put lots of layers on my lashes. But now with this new Maybelline Sensational Mascara I don’t have to anymore!!

I normally curl my lashes before applying mascara, which I have done on both of my lashes, but I will be only applying the product on one of my eyes so you guys can see the difference. I actually like to apply 2 layers with this product (with others like 4). I have taken photos of both the 1st layer and the 2nd. Also, I always curl my lashes in between layers too so it opens my eyes a bit more. (But make sure to curl them only when the 1st layer is dried! I usually just start to put my clothes on and by the time I finish that the 1st layer is always dried.)

The brush has two different sides to it - one of them is curved inwards and the other outwards. I experimented with them over the past months, and what I found very helpful is that if I use the outwards curved side for the 1st layer, and the inwards side for the 2nd layer, it makes it long at first and then it gives it a nice volume.

I really hope that they will never stop selling this mascara because I'm sick of "making it work" with the others.. But just in case they do, I will definitely keep the brush so I can use it in the future!

Buy regular here.
Buy waterproof here

Please have a look at the results bellow: