Thursday 27 February 2014
London, UK
Hi guys,

I'm sorry for disappearing, but I've been away and after that I got very sick. This is my very first beauty blog so I'm hoping everyone will like it.

I got this amazing eyebrow kit from Chelsea Beautique. I picked the chestnut colour because that's what suits my hair colour. I advise you to do the same because otherwise you will end up looking silly. 

I actually grew my brows out for this blog, so I can show you guys how great this set is.

I used the tweezers to shape my eyebrows into the shape I usually do shape them into. I don't like to take too much out, because I like my brows thick, but it's your choice how you do it. 

Before tweezing: 

After tweezing:

After I finished shaping them, I picked out the right shaped stencil shaper for my eyebrows. It was a bit hard because I kept frowning but at the end I figured it out and got used to it. It is very helpful!

When I found the right size I used it to guide me for the perfect shape with the thinner side of the brush.

All I needed to do is colour it in with the fluffy part of the brush.

And it's all done! I done the whole thing in less than 10 minutes. It is very practical and you can take it anywhere with you in this cute little black bag! 

And now you can get it too for only £35. For this price you wouldn't get this many things, so trust me it is very much worth it! 


The result:

If you like what you see, just click here.