Friday 4 September 2015
London, UK

I know I've been off for a while but I've really missed blogging and I decided to make this blog one of my main priorities. I am very sorry for being absent! I'm quite sure all of you know how it feels to be overworked, and that's what's happened to me..

As Summer is nearly over, I decided to bring out my midi skirt and summer jacket, to make the most of the weather that we have in London. It is already September, and who knows how long the sun will last in this rainy city.

As some of you may know, I will be going back to college this month, and if you're going back to college, I believe this would be a killer outfit for the first day.  Why not have something cute  and summery to take advantage of the little sun there is left.

I have some more cute pictures and info on the outfit bellow :-)

I always liked backpacks when I was younger, but sadly they weren't as stylish as what we can buy in stores nowadays. When I first saw this one, I didn't think twice about buying it. As you guys know I love white and this just looked elegant as well as casual. 
Honestly, the best part about this bag is that it comes with a little mirror, and there's no way to lose it. 

The tag that's hanging off the bag isn't actually a name-tag holder like it looks. I know right?! 
I only discovered the other day when we took these photos that when you pull the metal piece out, like you would the name-tag,  It's actually the mirror. (MIND-BLOWN!) 

The bag isn't too big or too small, so for School / College / Uni you can fit a good amount of stuff in it, and not carry anything in your hands. 

I got this backpack from New Look, £24.99. (New Look has this bag in Black and Silver, if you want to see them, just click on the colour you want. Sadly I couldn't find the White one on the New Look's website, but here's one the same, on a different website.)

Summer Jacket: New Look
Crop Top: New Look
Skirt: Peacocks 
Shoes: Converse
Bag: New Look (Black, Silver, White)