Monday 4 January 2016
London, UK
Hi all! I wanted to start of this blog by saying Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you guys will have a great 2016!!

As a first post back from the holidays, I have decided to let you guys see my all time favourite products from 2015. These were the products that I couldn't put down or re-bought a million times over the last year. 

I got this perfume for Christmas, but as soon as I had a sneaky sniff, I knew it is a perfume that I would purchase again! I have seen the billboards all over the city, the promotion work looked amazing and the sent isn't bad either. I have had a Marc Jacobs perfume before (don't remember which one exactly), and I couldn't stand the smell of it. So when I received this from my brother, I was a bit heartbroken, until I had a sniff. Mmm, in love! I would describe the sent being sexy but sophisticated. Oh and yes, the packaging! The lid has this cool chain on it, so when you put the lid back on, the whole thing looks like a mini purse, now how cool is that?

Buy here.

I believe I bought this lipstick just after Christmas in 2014. Ever since then, I must have worn it nearly every other day. The colour lasts a very long time and stays matte. I like glossy lipsticks, but somehow matte suites me a lot better and this lipstick works with my skin tone very well too. The colour is very pigmented and bright, so you would have to be brave to wear it if you're not used to bright lippies. And the best part is that red lips and red nails NEVER go out of style.

Honestly, my only fear is that once it is finished, they will stop selling them..(Fingers crossed they won't!)

Buy here.

I have discovered this foundation last spring, and I think it was one of my best finds ever! As I have a very oily skin and I had to powder my face all the time, so this foundation came in very handy. Revlon has provided this line of foundation for different kinds of skin types - they have for oily, combination and dry and normal. Whit this foundation I get the coverage I need but it doesn't look cake-y, and it reduces the shine on my face too. I don't know if I ever will be able to change to another foundation..

Buy here.

Last year I've gotten a bunch of these Timeless Truth face masks, but sadly I always forgot to use them or just didn't have time for them. But when I did use masks, I used other masks as well not just Timeless Truth ones and did not get the same results. Timeless Truth has a lot of different types of masks, and they all made my skin feel like it was made out of a baby's bum. The softness lasted a long time and my face felt very refreshed after using it. I just need to make more effort to use them, and keep my skin detoxed with these amazing masks!

Buy here.

There was a time when I was disappointed with some of the body mists I have bought in the past (the sent wouldn't last a long time). And then, I found this bad boy from The Body Shop! This is actually my 3rd bottle, and it smells delicious!! If I put it on in the morning after my shower, I could still smell it on my skin in the afternoon. It doesn't clash with any of the perfumes I wear, but it gives my skin a fresh sent. Mmm.

Buy here.