Wednesday 4 November 2015
Waterloo, London, UK
It is unreal how quick time goes by, and of course how quickly it's gotten freezing cold in London. Even though we still get some sunny days, the coming months are set to get very chilly so we need to bring out all the cosy clothes to warm us up. Luckily it's still not November so we have time play around with the layers. 

For this post I decided to go with a camel coat (from Asos), which is a must in a girl's wardrobe! I totally forgot about this coat until today. I believe I bought this about 3 years ago and I really do not know how managed to forget something so perfect. (Maybe because I have different camel coats too. Oops.) As soon as I remembered I had this, I remembered why I bought it. It is actually so thick and warm, you can literally wear a t-shirt underneath in this weather and not feel any kind of breeze. 

Of course I wanted to bring in some colour, and what could be better than a cool emoji t-dress? I mean, who doesn't like emojis?! This is actually from Primark, It was about £6. I don't normally go there, but when I saw this in the window display, it was calling my name. I absolutely love it! The quality isn't bad at all, and you can wear it with ANYTHING! 

I paired them with some amazing tights from TK Maxx, £10. I had these tights for ages, and I love the design on them (see photos below). At the bottom of them, they have a really cool New York building design on them running up from your feet. It was a must! 

Hat: New Look
Camel Coat: Asos
T-shirt: Primark
Tights & Shoes: TK Maxx
Bag: Zara