Wednesday 19 October 2016
London, UK
In today's #LifestyleWednesday I wanted to share my recent bath routine with you guys. It is very important for your body and your mind to be relaxed, and why not do it midweek on a Wednesday evening to recharge your batteries?! I love a good bath, sadly I don't have much time for them, but when I do, I make the most out of it. You can read a nice book, listen to some calming music or just let your mind wonder and think about some calming things. I personally meditate in the evenings, so when I am in the bath I like to put on some calming music and read a book. You could be amazed how much a good bath can change the way you feel. And you only need 4 items to have an amazingly relaxing time in the bath:

I have mixed up some scents that I thought worked well together, so I hope you will like it. 

1. Candles
This candle is from Morrisons, and only 75p. It has the scent of Forest Flowers, and it is powerful but not too overwhelming. It works perfectly with other scents as well if you light up another candle in the house. 

If you want to try this product yourself, then you can buy here

2. Face Mask
To me, a face mask is a must when I have a bath. I like to know that my whole body is getting a nice treatment so why shouldn't my face too? Plus I can enjoy doing two things at once which can save a lot of time. 

Recently I have been enjoying the ProActiv Skin Purifying Face Mask. I don't get bad acne, but I do get a lot of spots around my chin and forehead area, so I have decided to invest in a ProActiv+ set and it works like magic. (Let me know on Twitter if you would like me to do a review on the set.)

The texture of this mask is a lot different than what I am used to and of course, the scent is a bit chemical-like, but you can get used to it. It dries up very easily and doesn't make your face feel tight, which is a plus for me. 

If you want to try this product yourself, then you can buy here

3. Essential Oil
I. AM. OBSESSED. WITH. THIS. OIL. Holland and Barrett have some amazing range of essential oils, but when I had a sniff of this minty one I had to have it. And it was only £5.29.

All you need is about 3-4 drops of this in the bath and you will smell the powerful scent of this bad boy. I thought this scent actually worked so well with the Forest Flowers candle because they're both refreshing and they actually make a perfect relaxing combination. After the bath, my hair and skin had a hint of the scent of this heavenly oil. Love it! 

If you want to try this product yourself, then you can buy here

This bath bomb is just great. This bath bomb is from Heathcote and Ivory and I just realised they don't sell it on their site anymore, but it is worth seeing what else they have because this was just wonderful. 

This specific one smells like vanilla, and oh my god I'm in love. When I first used it, I didn't think it would go with the minty and forest flowery scent but worked perfectly. I had one of the best smelling bathrooms in the world! It also dissolves very nicely, not like some bath bombs that just leave a big chunk in the bottom of the bath.  

Please feel free to tweet me if you tried to recreate this bath experience or even the ones you enjoy a lot so I can try it out next time!!