Wednesday 24 February 2016
Gagosian Gallery, Britannia St, Kings Cross, London, UK

The Gagosian Gallery is showcasing a new exhibition that includes the works of two of the most amazing artists in history. Photographer Richard Avedon and 'Pop Art' master Andy Warhol have been paired up,  and I highly recommend taking the time to pay it a visit. 

Both of the artists have made a big influence on the 'Pop Art' culture, and in their careers have been fortunate enough to work with many of the biggest legends, of all time. 

This exhibition is an intriguing combination of Black and White photographs, contrasted with bright block colour. Most of the pieces are portraits and because of that, the combination of the two artists has worked so well and made this exhibition more exquisite and far more interesting.
With all the famous faces on display, it was apparent that the style and feeling in which they are all captured in is one in which other artists have very rarely been able to do.  

I have taken some photos of my favourite pieces from the show, so please have a look. But as it is a free exhibition, I do advise you to go and have a look! It is worth it!!

Location: Gagosian Gallery, 4-24 Britannia Street, Kings Cross, London, WC1X 9JD, UK
Date: 9 February - 23 April 2016
Entry: Free