Wednesday 13 April 2016
Simmons Bar, Bateman St, Soho, London, UK

When you live in London it is always cocktail night, especially if you're hanging around with a girl named Laura. Soho has so many great hidden cocktail bars that cater to your every desire, Simmons being one that should be at the top of your list. It's always hard to find a good place that offers Happy Hour prices that include good cocktails, wine and spirits & mixers, but Simmons just keeps ticking those boxes. Once Happy Hour ends, drinks prices are still at the lower end of "London prices" so you won't be unwittingly find yourself asking your date for a small loan. ;-D
(Make sure to look at the mouth watering cocktails bellow to see what I had the last time I was there.)

Once you enter the bar you're instantly welcomed by good music, a great atmosphere and very friendly staff. When I first heard that Simmons Bar was a chain, I was actually quite surprised because most chains I have been to have just always seem a little forced - by this I mean the decoration, staff and even music. I've visited Simmons countless times and every single time the staff have made me feel like I belong there. From Thursday-Saturday they have a live DJ who plays some amazing songs from the 80's, 90's also some Disco, Funk, R&B, Hip-Hop, Party Classics and general commercial stuff. It's an intimately sized bar which is not always a bad thing, in fact, I think for them they would be in danger of losing that homely feel if the venue was any bigger. You have the choice to sit at the bar and befriend the bar tender (because that's always a great option as they're the ones handling your alcoholic beverages), sit at any of the cute retro tables placed around the place or you can cosy up on the sofa side. If dancing is not your thing and your friends are boring you stupid with their endless rants on how civilised they have become since getting hitched and having a kid, you also have the more desirable option to play retro Nintendo video games in the corner!

Here's the Happy Hour price list: 
- Bottle of beet: £2.50
- Spirit & Mixer: £2.50
- Glass of wine: £2.50
- Bottle of wine: £10 
- 2 Cocktails: £10 
- Cocktail Teapots: £15
- Bottle of Prosecco: £16  

And here are the drinks I had the last time I was there (including drink descriptions according to the bar):

A cleverly re-named cocktail for those who enjoy a fruity, totally tropical punch-like drink. Includes double rum, orgeat syrup (almond), a squeeze of lime, some lovely pineapple juice topped with fruity garnishes to finish it off. 

(The tea pot is described on the menu as it's for 3-4 people to share but I had it with one friend and it was perfect. The lad comes in a single glass which is the same as the pot version. I especially enjoyed this one because you just look so classy drinking out of these fancy tea pots with the tiny cups. Best tea ever sold in Soho!) 
We've noticed that people become rather shy whilst ordering this drink, there's no need to be embarrassed; it's only hot steamy nasty alcohol. Vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice, orange juice, peach puree shaken and served long like a lad. 

It has been said that Simmons make the best Mojito in London, but that's no big deal, is it? We're not one to blow our own trumpet so we won't mention the fact that we apparently make the best Mojitos in London. Rum, fresh lime, mint, a bit of muscavado sugar, some sugar syrup and a dash of soda water. 

(When I had this drink, I have asked the bar tender to change the Gin to Vodka, as I'm not a big fan of Gin. So don't be scared to ask the staff to change up the ingredients for your liking!) 
We don't want to drawn attention to the fact that we are the proud owners of an exceptionally crafted skull Disco ball, so please avert your eyes from the sparkly thing handing from the ceiling. Gin, lemon juice, sugar, soda water creates a delicious alternative for the eyes.   

Awww, this reminds us of  Sunday afternoons, going round to your Gran's for a nice cup of tea. Tea full of vodka, gin, tequila, triple sec, lemon juice and a dash of sugar and topped up with coke. Good old Gran. 


All in all, if you're heading into Soho, it's an absolute must to check this place out. Maybe I'll see you there for a drink?

(Drink Responsibly!)